
In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 5, verses 27-39, we find a profound and transformative moment in the life of Levi. This passage recounts the extraordinary encounter between Jesus and Levi, a tax collector and societal outcast, and exemplifies the boundless love and grace that Jesus extends to us all. Pastor John from Eagle Hill Church recently spoke about this encounter in a Sermon entitled “Dinner with Levi” that I wish to explore further in today’s blog. 

During that era, tax collectors were branded as traitors, exploiting their own people for personal gain. Levi, burdened by societal rejection, found himself living on the fringes of acceptance. However, in a radical departure from societal norms, Jesus reached out to him with compassion, extending a call to follow and become a disciple. 

But I wonder, did Levi see this invitation to discipleship merely as a change in occupation, or did he at the time understand the deeper transformation Jesus had in mind for him? 

I believe the invitation transcended the bounds of regular discipleship; it was an invitation to profound personal transformation. Jesus peered beyond the surface of Levi’s life, knowing the yearning for redemption that Levi felt within his heart. With a single call, Jesus broke down the barriers that separated Levi from experiencing the fullness of God’s grace. 

As we explore this encounter, let us consider: How does this story of transformation resonate with our own lives today? Are there aspects of ourselves that we believe are beyond the reach of God’s grace, yet Jesus, through His love, seeks to redeem? 

This encounter at the heart of the Gospel speaks volumes about the inclusive nature of Jesus’ ministry. He sought the lost, healed the broken, and extended grace to the seemingly unworthy. So, it is worth time to take a moment now and reflect: Are there people in our lives whom we have deemed beyond redemption or unworthy of compassion? How might embracing Jesus’ example of love and grace challenge our own attitudes and actions toward them? 

I hope as we explore this narrative, we will be compelled to confront any self-righteousness or prejudice lurking within our hearts. This encounter with Jesus and Levi serves as a mirror, reflecting our own need for transformation and God’s boundless love. 

Jesus Calls Sinners to Repentance: 

Within this encounter, we witness the profound truth that Jesus came not for the righteous, but for sinners in need of repentance. The religious leaders of that time were quick to criticize Jesus for associating with those they considered unworthy and sinful. Yet, Jesus responds with remarkable clarity, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Luke 5:31-32). 

After Pastor Johns message, I spent time thinking about this call to repentance, and its significance for me. How do I perceive those whom society has cast aside or labeled as unworthy of redemption? Am I quick to judge and condemn or have I been willing to extend the same compassion that Jesus showed to Levi? Sadly, I believe at times it has been more often the former. 

This passage challenges us to examine our own hearts. Do we recognize our own brokenness and need for God’s grace? Are we willing to humbly acknowledge our imperfections and come to Jesus, seeking His transformative love? 

Christian author John Stott beautifully captures this truth in his book “Basic Christianity”: “We are all sinners; none of us is righteous. We must acknowledge our guilt and need, then reach out to receive the gift of God’s grace.” 

In light of Jesus’ profound love for sinners, I must ask, how can we extend this grace to others? What tangible actions can we take to follow Jesus’ example of purposeful outreach and love for those who feel marginalized and rejected? 

I think if we spend time to internalize the message of this passage, we will better understand the universality of Jesus’ love and the call to repentance that has resounded throughout generations. Then, with that understanding, the desire to share the transformative power of Christ’s love with the world, the courage to embrace His grace for us and knowing that we too are invited to follow Him and be instruments of His redemptive work in a broken world, can be realized. 


Leaving Our Comfort Zones: 

Before retiring as a program manager, I would attend meetings that aimed to define the necessary actions to propel a project from one phase to the next, thereby making progress towards our intended objective. However, from time to time, I found myself in meetings where, at the conclusion, no one really knew what to do next. Despite the discussions and understanding that action was needed, the meetings failed to produce actionable next steps. Despite all the power points, excel sheets, and in-depth analyses and discussions, we struggled to develop the tasks required to move forward. All the effort seemed useless—more than useless, it was a waste of precious time and resources that could have been put to better use. 

So, like those wasted meetings, where does that leave us now, what are our next steps? As followers of Christ, we are called to break free from our comfort zones and wholeheartedly embrace opportunities to love and serve others. This call to action is vividly exemplified by Jesus’ decision to dine with tax collectors and sinners—an act that challenged societal norms and went beyond the usual preferences. 

In his book “Crazy Love,” author and pastor Francis Chan encourages us to embody true faith, which means holding nothing back and putting every hope in God’s faithfulness to His promises. This challenge extends beyond just understanding Jesus’ teachings; it calls us to actively step out and engage in ministries and acts of service that may be outside our comfort zones. 

When we extend ourselves to help those in need, we become vessels of God’s love and grace, impacting lives and illuminating the world with His light. These acts of service not only transform the lives of others but also have a profound effect on our own hearts. As we allow Christ’s love to work through us, we find ourselves transformed, becoming more compassionate, selfless, and Christ-like. 

So, we need to ask ourselves, “What actions can we take today to step out of our comfort zones and actively love and serve those around us?” “How can we push ourselves beyond our preferences and engage in acts of service that challenge us to grow in faith and embody God’s love to others?” 

By embracing opportunities to serve, we align ourselves with the heart of Jesus and contribute to His transformative work in the world. When we become willing vessels of His work, ready to impact lives and spread the light of God’s love wherever we go, we not only fulfill our calling as followers of Christ but also experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from living out God’s purpose in our lives. 


Celebrating God’s Work: 

It is interesting to note that one of the first things Levi did after Jesus’s call to follow Him was to put on a feast – a celebration. We not only see the transformative encounter between Jesus and Levi but also find a compelling message about the significance of celebrating God’s work in our faith journey.  

When Jesus entered Levi’s life, His presence brought immeasurable joy to the heart of Levi, illuminating for him the power of God’s grace and love. Levi, amidst societal rejection, experienced acceptance and love in the Savior’s eyes, an inspiring testament to the remarkable nature of God’s mercy. 

Too often, we may overlook the transformative moments orchestrated by God in our busy routines, neglecting to express our thankfulness. However, by adopting a spirit of celebration, we are able to cultivate a heart filled with gratitude, strengthening our faith and unity as a community of believers. As Pastor John pointed out in his Sermon “We must take time to pause, express gratitude, and rejoice in the marvelous work God is doing among us.” 

Indeed, celebrations serve as powerful reminders of God’s faithfulness and goodness. Each day becomes an opportunity to experience His love and extend that love to others, as Psalm 118:24 proclaims, “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” 

In celebrating together, I believe we will not only find joy and fulfillment in our faith but also foster a sense of belonging within the body of Christ. As Pastor John emphasizes, “Celebrating together strengthens our bond as a community, united in God’s love.”.  Taking time to find ways to integrate a spirit of celebration into our faith journey and rejoice in God’s grace and love, will not only allow us to cultivate a deeper sense of thankfulness but also draw us closer to our Savior. 

Therefore, just as important as taking action to do Gods work, part of our faith journey is to taking time to intentionally celebrate God’s work and in doing so, we will glorify His name and spread His light to the world around us, just as Pastor John urges, “May our celebration be a beacon of hope and a testament to the incredible work of God’s love in our lives.” 

Challenging Self-Righteousness: 

The encounter between Jesus and Levi not only reveals the depth of God’s grace but also serves as a poignant reminder to confront the peril of self-righteousness. In the presence of religious leaders who scorned the company of sinners, Jesus stood as a beacon of compassion and acceptance. He challenged the prevailing attitudes of superiority and judgment, calling us to embrace humility and extend the transformative power of His love to all. 

As we study this narrative, we are forced to look inward and examine our own hearts. Are we, too, guilty of self-righteousness, believing ourselves better than those who have faltered in their faith or made mistakes? Romans 3:23-24 says it best, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” 

The message is clear: None of us stands righteous on our own merit. Recognizing our shared brokenness, we are called to approach others with compassion rather than judgment. Just as Jesus looked beyond Levi’s societal label and saw a heart in need of love, we, too, must strive to see others through the lens of grace. 

In confronting self-righteousness, we are challenged to break down the barriers that divide “us” from “them.” This transformation begins with surrendering our biases and prejudices to the overwhelming power of God’s love. As we embrace humility, we open ourselves to a deeper understanding of God’s grace and become more effective vessels for His redemptive work in the world. 

In our daily interactions, we need to ask ourselves: How can we emulate Jesus’ example of love and acceptance toward those whom society may shun? How can we foster an environment of grace and compassion within our communities, where brokenness is acknowledged, and healing is found? 

As we challenge self-righteousness, we cultivate a spirit of genuine love and understanding, mirroring Christ’s heart for sinners. By extending His transformative grace to others, we create spaces of healing and hope, ultimately drawing closer to the essence of our faith—a faith that hinges on love and restoration rather than judgment. 

If we let this encounter with Jesus and Levi be a catalyst for self-reflection and transformation within our hearts, we will move toward embracing humility and compassion. When we do, we will begin to participate in God’s redemptive plan and become true ambassadors of His boundless love, welcoming all into the embrace of His grace. 


So dear reader, as we conclude this journey through the transformative encounter between Jesus and Levi in the Gospel of Luke, I hope you have found inspiration and insight for your own faith journey. This passage reminds us of the inclusive nature of Jesus’ ministry, reaching out to the broken and marginalized with boundless love and grace. 

Like Levi, we all carry our burdens and imperfections, but through Jesus’ call to repentance, we are invited to experience the profound transformation that comes from embracing God’s grace. As Christian author John Stott eloquently wrote, “We are all sinners; none of us is righteous. We must acknowledge our guilt and need, then reach out to receive the gift of God’s grace.” 

Let us challenge ourselves to confront any self-righteousness or judgmental attitudes within ourselves. Just as Jesus broke down the barriers that separated Levi from God’s grace, may we seek to extend His love and compassion to those society may reject. 

I encourage you to take action, stepping out of your comfort zone, and embracing opportunities to love and serve others, just as Jesus did with Levi. As we celebrate God’s work in our lives and the lives of others, we strengthen our faith and find joy in the transformative power of His love. 

Let this encounter with Jesus and Levi inspire you to cultivate a heart of humility and compassion. By doing so, you become an instrument of God’s redemptive work in a broken world, spreading His light and love to all. 

May you find courage, hope, and a renewed sense of purpose as you journey with Christ, embracing His grace and extending it to those around you. May your faith be a beacon of hope, illuminating the lives of others with the transformative love of Jesus.