Compassion Sunday

Please prayerfully consider sponsoring a child and changing their life forever.  There is a table set up in the foyer with children that need your help.  Just $38 per month connects you with a child in a loving relationship that will change his or her life -- and yours! The

All Church Auction

We are planning to have an all-church auction on Friday, June 1, the last day of school. There will be a dinner as well as both silent and live auction components.   Here’s what you can do to help. Plan to attend. This will be a fun event. Not only

Momentum Youth Car Wash

Have a dirty car (and who doesn't)?  Come and help out the youth on their Mission trip and have them make it bright and shiny again.

Momentum Youth Group Kick Off

The first official youth group event of the year will be on Saturday, September 8.  We’ll have lots of fun and stay at the church overnight then attend worship on Sunday at 9:30am.  See Jeff for all the details!  

Women’s Christmas Celebration!

Women of all ages are invited to a Christmas Celebration on Thursday, December 13 at 7 pm. Back again this year...the Cookie & Ornament exchange ($5 max). If you plan to participate, please bring 2 dozen cookies and/or a wrapped ornament. Hot drinks will be served. We will meet

Christmas Caroling

Come join us as we spread Christmas cheer by caroling in Eagle neighborhoods.

Youth Group Winter Retreat

The Youth Group Winter Retreat is December 27-29 in McCall. The cost is $50. We will be going sledding, to the hot springs, and having fellowship and a Bible study. We are staying in a cabin near McCall City Golf Course.

Special General Conference

There will be a special General Conference of the United Methodist Church on February 23-26 in St. Louis. The General Conference is the ruling body for the United Methodist Church and is the only group that can make official rulings and pronouncements for the denomination. This special General Conference will address matters

Dutch Lunch Bunch

The Dutch Lunch Bunch meet the first Sunday of the month to enjoy good food and Christian fellowship.   All retirees, single or not, come join in the fun! Location:  TBD  

Safe Sanctuary

There will be a Safe Sanctuary training in the Fellowship Hall on April 13 from 9-11am.  If you are interested in attending please contact Sara Donaldson by April 1. A trainer from the Idaho Children's Trust Fund / Prevent Child Abuse Idaho will be teaching the class.  All teachers, substitutes

Church Auction

Come One, Come All to the Annual EUMC Auction Friday, May 8, 2020.  Doors open at 5pm to peruse auction items.  Gourmet dinner served at 6pm, Adults: $15; Kids: $7; Kids under 5 free; Family 4+: $40.  Live Auction to be held intermittently throughout the evening. We are in

Boise Little Theater

Would you like to see a play at the Boise Little Theater? Our church is trying to organize a group of us to go and see a performance of "The Neverending Story" on Sunday, July 21 at 2:00 in the afternoon. Tickets are $10.00 for those 18 and up

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

Our All Church Night at the Hawks Baseball Stadium will be Friday, July 26 at 7:15pm against Hillsboro.  You won’t want to miss all of the action and enjoy some delicious peanuts, Cracker Jacks and Fireworks!  Please RSVP to the church office so that we can reserve enough tickets. 

VBS Decorating!

Come and help decorate for VBS on Sunday, July 28! We will meet at 12:30.  Pizza will be available! Also, in the hallway (near the name tags) is a poster of items we need.  All of these items will be used during VBS.  Please take a look and see