EHC’s MISSION MALAWI exists to meet the spiritual and poverty needs of the people in rural villages in a holistic way. This includes economic empowerment, health, education, and social growth. We achieve this by partnering with local/traditional leaders in the villages.

The mission primarily works with 3 villages: Chipampha, Chilinaz, and Mkanda. The 60 people from the U.S. and African Bible College interns made up the following teams: Medical, Vacation Bible School, Women-Widows-Orpans, Sports, Justice, and Projects. Below are some of the tangible things accomplished, however, the intangibles like loving on the villagers, sharing smiles, singing, dancing, food, hugs, listening, and worshipping together may have had the biggest impact on everyone.

• 17 tons of Maize distributed. (one 110# bag feeds a family for a month+)
• 1,000+ people seen and treated in medical.
• Hosted a soccer tournament with 4,000+ village attendance.
• 1000+ kids attended VBS (for some their VBS shirt will be their only new shirt for the year)

• Released 10 people from prison who couldn’t pay a small fine to see a judge for petty crimes. Some had been confined for over a year for a crime that had a 90-day maximum sentence.
• Purchased a concrete block-making machine to help provide a more sustainable economy for the village of Chipampha.
• Hosted a conference for 93 chiefs on how to lead like Jesus.

• Held a women’s conference where 100’s of women from rival villages gathered dressed in their village colors, to sing, dance, worship, and learn to work together.
• Built a bathroom and kitchen for elementary school children.
• Installed new playground equipment. Repaired and
remodeled structures used by missionaries.

“Those of us who made the journey received more than we gave. They were warm, welcoming, willing to share what little they have, and full of joy.”

Thank you to everyone who donated in 2023!