Devotion 2: 

Title: The Messenger of God’s Justice 

Bible Passage: Isaiah 40:3-5 

“A voice of one calling: ‘In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.'” 

Devotional: Fundamental to our faith is the concept that God is good. Not only is He good, but He is the God of justice, who establishes what is good for all the earth. When we see evil triumph, it can cause us to question the power and goodness of God. That is what was happening to the Hebrew people. They asked if God had redefined what was good because of what they saw happening in the world. In the midst of their doubts, God promises a messenger who will prepare the way for His coming, bringing justice and restoration. This messenger represents the future answer to their concerns, reminding them that God is faithful to His promises. 

In our own lives, we may face moments of doubt and confusion. We may wonder if God sees the injustice around us or if He has forgotten His promises. However, just as the Hebrew people were assured of a messenger who would herald God’s justice, we too can find hope in the assurance that God is working behind the scenes, preparing the way for His intervention. 

The messenger in Isaiah’s prophecy serves as a reminder that God’s justice will prevail. This message is not only meant to encourage us in times of doubt but also to challenge us to examine our own lives. How do we respond when faced with injustice? Do we seek justice and stand up for what is right, or do we turn a blind eye? As followers of Christ, we are called to be messengers of God’s justice in the world, extending love, compassion, and fairness to those around us. 

One of the greatest examples of a messenger of justice is John the Baptist. As foretold by Isaiah, John came to prepare the way for Jesus, announcing His arrival and calling people to repentance. John’s ministry was marked by courage and unwavering dedication to his mission. He fearlessly confronted the religious leaders of his time, urging them to turn from their hypocrisy and embrace true righteousness. 

In our pursuit of justice, we can draw inspiration from John’s example. Like him, we are called to speak up against injustice, advocate for the marginalized, and point others to the hope found in Jesus. It is through our actions and words that we can be messengers of God’s justice in a broken world. 

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for the promise of a messenger who will prepare the way for Your justice. Help us to trust in Your faithfulness even in times of doubt and uncertainty. Empower us to be messengers of justice, standing up for what is right and advocating for the marginalized. Give us the courage to speak out against injustice and the wisdom to extend love and compassion to those in need. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen. 

Thought for the Day: As messengers of God’s justice, may we be steadfast in our pursuit of righteousness, seeking to bring hope and healing to a broken world. 


~ Written by Gene Bennett